Tag: wellness


Rest Day: The Sauna

Tuesday was a rest day and I had a day off from work.
It was an eternity ago The Girlfriend and I had a day to ourselves so we decided to drop our daughter off with my mother and head out for a relaxing day in the sauna.

This is not at all interesting for you all off course, but while sitting there I came to thinking if the sauna was beneficial to a runner. And that in return IS interesting 🙂

Obviously I’m not the first to wonder about this fact.
Most links to relate regular sauna visits or post-exercise visit, so I don’t think one sauna day will help me with my PB tomorrow, but it won’t hurt either I guess plus I had a super relaxing day where I could catch up on some sleep as well (8 mo old daughter remember), so that will definitely help 😀

Tell me: do you include some wellness into your schedule? Sauna, jacuzzi, steam bath, …