Week Recap & Preview

So last week was my rest week.
I “only” ran three times for a total of 70k.
But somehow I feel like my body is catching up with my heavy weeks from before last.

Since April I’ve been building hard towards my 6h race and I feel like my training is really working, yet it’s starting to get heavy as well. But hey, you don’t get better by doing all easy runs…

Strava April
April recap of my weekly trainings (mind you, its kilometers!)
Strava May
May recap of my weekly trainings (mind you, its kilometers!)


So last week was:

This week I’m planning my last heavy 100k week, but I’m guarding my tiredness, so it could be my schedule gets changed during the week…

  • Monday: 20k Z1
  • Tuesday: 7+13k Z1 commute
  • Wednesday: 21k Z2
  • Saturday: 40k

Right now I don’t feel my body can take another 40k run, so that one really hangs in the balance.
On the plus side, that would be my last +30k run before the race itself on July 11!


Are you planning ahead? Easy week? Heavy week?
Either way: loads of fun to you all 🙂

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