Tag: runcommute

RunCommute Beach

No More Heavy Weeks

That was basically my feeling after my Saturday run.
The last 100k week before my 6h run July 11th and I’m not really sad about it.

I felt like I was reaching the verge of overtraining: Constant tired, not really feeling like running, massive hunger all the time, …
So it seems it’s not a week to early to end my heavy weeks.

Three weeks before my race and I plan on doing 2 weeks of 70k (both in 3 runs, so plenty of rest days) and the last week will be tapering (it’s a must ;-))

I have some nice runcommute pictures of last week I wanted to share with you to start this week.

RunCommute Beach
The Beach I run by going to work, if I’m able to do some extra distance
RunCommute Harbor
The harbor I pass nearly every day
RunCommute Fisher's Monument
The Cross put there for all the fishermen stayed on sea
RunCommute Containership
Sometimes I’m able to see the massive containerships being (un)loaded