Nerves are rising, mileage is dropping and I’m eating carbs carbs carbs, I guess this can only mean one thing: it’s TAPER TIME! Monday I did a slow run from an hour and I’m planning to do the same tonight, Friday a small half hour and Saturday is game time! 6h of running a 2km …
Running 100k A Week
In order to optimally prepare for my 6h race that’s coming up I felt I had to step up my game and run more distance per week. Feeling comfortable with 100k a week was the goal to achieve, but never before having run 100k in one week, this was somewhat challenging. For me it was …
Goals For 2015: Halfway Evaluation
Hooray July! Welcome summer! We’re halfway through 2015, so it’s time for an overview of my goals for 2015. 3 months ago my quarterly evaluation could be better so let’s see if it’s already better. 2 ultra distances Nope, not even one ultra yet. At least, not in a race. Furthest training has been 46km, …
+1000k In Three Months
I’ve managed to run more than 1000k in three months. Looking one year back you can clearly see that this is no small accomplishment for me. Verrry happy and almost feel prepared for my 6h race 🙂
No More Heavy Weeks
Pfiieeoouuuwww… That was basically my feeling after my Saturday run. The last 100k week before my 6h run July 11th and I’m not really sad about it. I felt like I was reaching the verge of overtraining: Constant tired, not really feeling like running, massive hunger all the time, … So it seems it’s not …
Week Recap & Preview
So last week was my rest week. I “only” ran three times for a total of 70k. But somehow I feel like my body is catching up with my heavy weeks from before last. Since April I’ve been building hard towards my 6h race and I feel like my training is really working, yet it’s …
Commuting On Running Shoes
I’d like to offer a first evaluation of my time commuting on running shoes. The first week I was not properly organized, which meant I had to start with what I had “in stock” around my house. So I took my 20l hiking backpack and packed it with all my clothes, towel, soap, shoes, lunchbox, …
May Was The Best, On To June!
349k oh wow … Best running month ever! No really, I do not talk about the feeling per se, but number-wise it’s definitely my best month ever! I’ve picked up running around February 2013 and before May my maximum distance was 324km in September 2013. Now I’ve not only broke my distance-in-one-month record, but I’ve …
Link Love May 2015
As I’m spending more and more time on blogs I sometimes find some really nice blog posts that I’d like to share with you all. Most of them are running related, some of them are not… Some posts Why I Started Running part two I’m just a sucker for origin stories 🙂 Grins For Life …
I Signed Up For My 6h Race!
As some of you might have noticed already in the right sidebar, my next race will be 11 July. It will be a 6h run in Aalter on an official course of 2km measured by the IAU (Internation Association Of Ultrarunners) Now that my heavy weeks are going well and I am confident (*knocks on …