On top of lacking motivation because of the short days recently, there is a lot of wind here the last few days.
It keeps on blowing and has no intention to stop, so it seems.
Yesterday I went running for 80 minutes on a low heart rate, today I was scheduled for a slightly faster pace, but finishing work I already felt the excuses coming up in my head.
“It’s cold”, “It’s a lot of wind”, “You’re not fully recuperated after the 10k and your run yesterday”, “Your long tight is dirty and you’ll have cold calves”
I don’t think I need to tell all of you guys how easy it is to give in to this voice, but having the time and opportunity for the last time this week (except for somewhere in the weekend) it just had to be today.
So I decided to mix it up and switch pace in the middle.
It ended up being a 70 minute run from 20′ Z2 – 30′ Z3 – 20′ Z2
The wind sure gave me a hard time when returning, but constantly having the different pace to look forward to, it made the run a lot easier and more fun.
Being a creature of habit, it isn’t usually I change my training last-minute, but this time it surely did some good.
- Ride Name:
- Distance: 0 km
- Elevation Gain: 0 m
- Moving Time: 00:00:00
Do you have some (mind) tricks to break through the lack of motivation?
Or do you have some other way to make that little voice shut up?
Is changing pace something you like or not?
Good stuff! It’s hard to overcome blocks sometimes. Curious… what does the Z stand for?
Heart rate zone 🙂
Definitely thinking changing up the pace helps to break things up. I was doing some faster strides during this morning’s 7 mile run…and it really helped to revitalize my legs!!!
Thx for the feedback 🙂